

Evidence Based Results

The Department for Education (DFE) recommends schools use the established and industry standard Strength and Difficulty Questionnaire (SDQ) to measure the impact of young people's interventions. SDQ’s ask young people random style multiple choice questions which are stand-alone questions and independent of the Amazing Minds programme. We use SDQ’s to measure the impact of the programme at the beginning and again at the end of the Amazing Minds programme. SDQs provide statistical results that are objective and robust showing that Amazing Minds works!

We also use online surveys at the end of the Amazing Minds programme to capture more qualitative anecdotal data and the results are excellent and detailed below.

The results below are compiled from the Amazing Minds programmes delivered to students who were working towards their GCSE exams in 2022/2023. The outcomes for the Amazing Minds programme show improvements in young people’s mental emotional wellbeing, confidence, resilience, attitudes to self and overall happiness levels. To date, we have worked with just under 100 children and young people. These programmes have all positively impacted on the young people’s capacity to learn more effectively, experiencing happier and healthier lives.

Here are some of the highlights of the results from our Amazing Minds Coaches in the project delivered in 2022/2023:

SDQ Three Categories:

  • Difficulty category
  • Borderline category 
  • Strength category 

Starting Categories of Students

Finishing Categories of Students

Survey Results 2023 AM Coaches: 

Students said they felt happier after completing the Amazing Minds programme



No 0%

Students said the Amazing Minds programme was enjoyable


Maybe 0%

No 0%

Students said they felt more confident after completing the Amazing Minds programme



No 0%

Students said their learning had improved since completing the Amazing Minds programme

A great deal45%

Quite a lot50%

Only a little5%

None 0%

Students said they felt more resilient and able to deal with difficulties after completing the Amazing Minds programme



No 0%

Students said they had been able to improve their friendships

A great deal23%

Quite a lot50%

Only a little27%

None 0%

Students said they felt that they had been able to improve their home life 

A great deal23%

Quite a lot55%

Only a little22%

None 0%

Students said the following Amazing Minds techniques will help them in the future. Students were able to select as many statements as they wished from the list

Helping me with my concentration and focus68%

Helping me with my exams64%

Helping me with studying55%

Helping with my emotions86%

Helping me with difficult times in my life73%

Helping me to relax86%

Helping me deal with anger55%

Helping me to sleep59%

Helping me to speak in front of others41%

Helping me feel more connected and grounded55%

Helping me cope with stress/anxiety/worry77%

Helping me feel more happy and fulfilled as a young person32%

Help me have better relationships with my friends and maybe my family36%

Students said they would recommend the Amazing Minds programme to others



No 0%

What Young People Say…..

“My focus has improved a lot. I am getting more achieved in my lessons, I feel happier and feel more positive and confident about my exams. I am pleasantly surprised that I have come this far in just six sessions”. Oscar

“I am calmer and my confidence in class has definitely improved. Before I started doing mindfulness, I thought it was a bit silly, but now I know that it really is really helping me. I would recommend AM because I already see the benefits and I’ve only been coming a few weeks”. Mollie

“I think the Amazing Minds programme is really good. I feel proud of myself for the changes I'm already seeing”. Cerys

“When I first got introduced, I wasn’t really sure. One of my teachers thought it would have a good impact on me, so I decided to do it. In the beginning, I didn’t really think it would do anything, so it surprised me because it has had an impact on my mindset, my way of thinking, and my proactiveness. If I hadn’t done it, I would be in the same position I was in before doing it. I would definitely recommend this programme, especially to Year 11s. I found it very helpful this year, as I need to focus before doing my GCSEs and now, I know how to deal with stress. Also, in the past, I used to have trouble sleeping and mindfulness has really helped me with that”. Darcy

"It is a good and useful course, even if you might not need it at the time (that you do it), as it gives you the opportunity to have something to help you. It has helped me to be calmer, more rational, and more aware of what I'm doing and how I'm feeling". Kerrie

“Amazing Minds wasn't something I thought about doing but when I did the programme it helped me find ways to cope with different situations, as well as the many different mindfulness techniques helped. If you have a chance to do the Amazing Minds programme then do so”. Rachel

“I don't have anything profound to say but it's surprised me how well this has worked but I didn't realise it was going to be so effective”. Ava

*all names have been changed to ensure anonymity of all the young people that kindly gave us feedback.

“I would definitely recommend this programme, especially to Year 11s. I found it very helpful this year, as I need to focus before doing my GCSEs and now, I know how to deal with stress."

Darcy – Year 11